This Saturday’s visit to Tea Centre in town was a celebration. A snacky celebration of memories, in culmination. I’ve visited this place before but this visit with N threw up a special Delhi – nostalgia.
Ushered in by liveried waiters, interiors resplendent in Green and its various shades, water color portraits hung on walls - to be sold, almost every seat taken up - by a curious mix of 20 somethings and all ages. Curious because we did not expect the 20’s generation to be enjoying tea when the Café Coffe Days & Coffee Worlds are winning the opinion polls by huge margins. We’re victims of cliche may be!
The order was placed. Mind you, the only way to be waited upon was to summon attention by ringing the bell at our table. An unexpected craving for something old and familiar tugged at my palette and I made the suggestion to N. Pakoras. We wholeheartedly succumbed and so placed the order for a plateful of Pakoras.
They came. With Daintily flavored Assam tea in a Carafe (they’ve done away with the ceramic pots maybe because of maintenance reasons)and milk in a silver pot. A heaped plateful of Pakoras – Onions, Potatoes, Cauliflower, Spinach, fat green Chilies fully decked in spiced batter to acquire the look and flavor of what we North-Indians have salivated after, for generations. Fresher than fresh and piping hot. Hot enough to delay our eager demolition of the plateful. Memories of several cloudy & rainy evenings in Delhi when a similar fare was served at our homes became a natural companion at our table. Yet another one of those common heart-tuggers that help us bond, time and again.
Taste buds tingled and aroused, we had to top it off – hence a plate of Tikkis was called for. Also followed many-a-discussion on the possibility of replicating the Delhi- Tikkis - doubtful, expectant, encouraged - all-at-once!! They arrived and were different - but fresh and interestingly flavored. The surprising 6-in-a-plate serving made a doggy-pack a natural companion when we exited the place.
Replete and content, to be regaled to friends and to be visited as often as possible!!