Monday, June 2, 2008

Notes to Self : I

I read the other day about Silence, that the purpose of words is to create Silence. Confusing huh! but made ample sense to me - Does every word you speak create Silence in others or turbulence & edginess. Pause & think!! Calm is a close cousin of Silence; Calm I understand very well, a kind of elevated superiority I very often experience in the midst of puerile cacophony I hear amidst people trying to win a battle of words, wit, views, beliefs. I feel no urge to join in, a detached observer, almost lazily satisfied with not joining in. May be it is arrogance, may be just my heightened sensibility that sees the uselessness of debates. Why does anything need to be this or that? Why can’t it be both? Why argue for the sake of arguing? And that happens a lot!
And Why can’t both possibilities co-exist? As each individual does – distinct. After all, isn’t everything about how each one of us view or relate to a possibility, different yet same, similar yet nuanced dissimilarly? Questions, more questions and no answers, actually why do we need answers at all, isn’t life more engaging if we have new questions every day, with only several possibilities as answers!! Consider this, maybe finding the One and Only answer will stop the quest-ing and make us lazy, indeterminate, living organisms skimming the earth!! Do I want to risk that!

Where am I going with these notes?