Drifter - that's what my mind has become!! In and out, epiphanic and apprehensive, retrospective and foretelling, and slowly the quantum of 'relish' increasing in my thought-stream (kinda like in the blood-stream). I guess it'll only get better with what the months ahead have in store.
Wrap-up, pack-up, planning, selling, storing, tweaking, confirming, thanking, coping - all that and a lot of hellos and good byes ahead a new country awaits me (us). Taking one month at a time - and a lot of new(ness) every day - a smile, a gurgle, a chuckle - loud 'n louder, a sideways and an 180 degree, a recognition, a touch, a frown, a half- volley - all this and far more that is difficult to capture.
Who said i'm not employed... fully engaged and employed for the moment and starting to revel!
Who said i'm not employed... fully engaged and employed for the moment and starting to revel!