Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Floating in and out

Drifter - that's what my mind has become!! In and out, epiphanic and apprehensive, retrospective and foretelling, and slowly the quantum of 'relish' increasing in my thought-stream (kinda like in the blood-stream). I guess it'll only get better with what the months ahead have in store.
Wrap-up, pack-up, planning, selling, storing, tweaking, confirming, thanking, coping - all that and a lot of hellos and good byes ahead a new country awaits me (us). Taking one month at a time - and a lot of new(ness) every day - a smile, a gurgle, a chuckle - loud 'n louder, a sideways and an 180 degree, a recognition, a touch, a frown, a half- volley - all this and far more that is difficult to capture.

Who said i'm not employed... fully engaged and employed for the moment and starting to revel!